Although Type::Tiny was designed with object-oriented programming in mind, especially Moose-style classes and roles, it can be used in procedural and imperative programming.
If you have read Type::Tiny::Manual::UsingWithMoo , you should understand how Type::Params can be used to validate method parameters. This same technique can be applied to regular subs too. More information about checking parameters can be found in Type::Tiny::Manual::Params .
functions exported by type libraries may be useful in non-OO code too. See
Type::Tiny and Smart Match
Perl 5.10 introduced the smart match operator
, which has since been deprecated because though the general idea is fairly sound, the details were a bit messy.
Nevertheless, Type::Tiny has support for smart match and I'm documenting it here because there's nowhere better to put it.
The following can be used as to check if a value passes a type constraint:
$value ~~ SomeType
Where it gets weird is if
is an object and overloads
. Which overload of
wins? I don't know.
Better to use:
SomeType->check( $value ) # more reliable, probably faster
is_SomeType($value) # more reliable, definitely faster
It's also possible to do:
$value ~~ SomeType->coercion
This checks to see if
matches any type that can be coerced to
But better to use:
SomeType->coercion->has_coercion_for_value( $value )
Related to the smart match operator is the
This will not do what you want it to do:
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int );
given ( $value ) {
when ( Int ) { ... }
when ( Str ) { ... }
This will do what you wanted:
use Types::Standard qw( is_Str is_Int );
given ( $value ) {
when ( \&is_Int ) { ... }
when ( \&is_Str ) { ... }
Sorry, that's just how Perl be.
Better though:
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int );
use Type::Utils qw( match_on_type );
match_on_type $value => (
Str, sub { ... },
Int, sub { ... },
If this is part of a loop or other frequently called bit of code, you can compile the checks once and use them many times:
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int );
use Type::Utils qw( compile_match_on_type );
my $dispatch_table = compile_match_on_type(
Str, sub { ... },
Int, sub { ... },
$dispatch_table->($_) for @lots_of_values;
As with most things in Type::Tiny, those coderefs can be replaced by strings of Perl code.
Next Steps
Here's your next step:
Squeeze the most out of your CPU.