Type Registries
In all the examples so far, we have imported a collection of type constraints into each class:
package Horse {
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw( Str ArrayRef HashRef Int Any InstanceOf );
use Types::Common::Numeric qw( PositiveInt );
use Types::Common::String qw( NonEmptyStr );
has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str );
has father => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf["Horse"] );
This creates a bunch of subs in the Horse namespace, one for each type. We've used namespace::autoclean to clean these up later.
But it is also possible to avoid pulling all these into the Horse namespace. Instead we'll use a type registry:
package Horse {
use Moo;
use Type::Registry qw( t );
t->alias_type('InstanceOf["Horse"]' => 'Horsey');
has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => t('Str') );
has father => ( is => 'ro', isa => t('Horsey') );
has mother => ( is => 'ro', isa => t('Horsey') );
has children => ( is => 'ro', isa => t('ArrayRef[Horsey]') );
You don't even need to import the
function. Types::Registry can be used in an entirely object-oriented way.
package Horse {
use Moo;
use Type::Registry;
my $reg = Type::Registry->for_me;
$reg->alias_type('InstanceOf["Horse"]' => 'Horsey');
has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => $reg->lookup('Str') );
You could create two registries with entirely different definitions for the same named type.
my $dracula = Aristocrat->new(name => 'Dracula');
package AristocracyTracker {
use Type::Registry;
my $reg1 = Type::Registry->new;
$reg1->alias_type('PositiveInt' => 'Count');
my $reg2 = Type::Registry->new;
$reg2->alias_type('InstanceOf["Aristocrat"]' => 'Count');
Type::Registry uses
, so things like this work:
$reg->ArrayRef->of( $reg->Int );
Although you can create as many registries as you like, Type::Registry will create a default registry for each package.
# Create a new empty registry.
my $reg = Type::Registry->new;
# Get the default registry for my package.
# It will be pre-populated with any types we imported using `use`.
my $reg = Type::Registry->for_me;
# Get the default registry for some other package.
my $reg = Type::Registry->for_class("Horse");
Type registries are a convenient place to store a bunch of types without polluting your namespace. They are not the same as type libraries though. Types::Standard , Types::Common::String , and Types::Common::Numeric are type libraries; packages that export types for others to use. We will look at how to make one of those later.
For now, here's the best way to think of the difference:
Type registry
Curate a collection of types for me to use here in this class. This collection is an implementation detail.
Type library
Export a collection of types to be used across multiple classes. This collection is part of your API.
Importing Functions
We've seen how, for instance, Types::Standard exports a sub called
that returns the
type object.
use Types::Standard qw( Int );
my $type = Int;
$type->check($value) or die $type->get_message($value);
Type libraries are also capable of exporting other convenience functions.
This is a shortcut for checking a value meets a type constraint:
use Types::Standard qw( is_Int );
if ( is_Int $value ) {
will often be marginally faster than calling
because it avoids a method call. (Method calls in Perl end up slower than normal function calls.)
Using things like
in your code might be preferable to
ref($value) eq "ARRAY"
because it's neater, leads to more consistent type checking, and might even be faster. (Type::Tiny can be pretty fast; it is sometimes able to export these functions as XS subs.)
If checking type constraints like
, there's no way to give a parameter.
doesn't work, and neither does
is_ArrayRef(Int, $value)
is_ArrayRef($value, Int)
. For some types like
, this makes them fairly useless; without being able to give a class name, it just acts the same as
. See
"Exporting Parameterized Types"
for a solution. Also, check out
There also exists a generic
use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Int );
use Type::Utils qw( is );
if ( is ArrayRef[Int], \@numbers ) {
returns a boolean,
will throw an error if the value does not meet the constraint, and return the value otherwise. So you can do:
my $sum = assert_Int($x) + assert_Int($y);
And you will get the sum of integers
, and an explosion if either of them is not an integer!
Assert is useful for quick parameter checks if you are avoiding Type::Params for some strange reason:
sub add_numbers {
my $x = assert_Num(shift);
my $y = assert_Num(shift);
return $x + $y;
You can also use a generic
use Type::Utils qw( assert );
sub add_numbers {
my $x = assert Num, shift;
my $y = assert Num, shift;
return $x + $y;
This is a shortcut for coercion:
my $truthy = to_Bool($value);
It trusts that the coercion has worked okay. You can combine it with an assertion if you want to make sure.
my $truthy = assert_Bool(to_Bool($value));
Shortcuts for exporting functions
This is a little verbose:
use Types::Standard qw( Bool is_Bool assert_Bool to_Bool );
Isn't this a little bit nicer?
use Types::Standard qw( +Bool );
The plus sign tells a type library to export not only the type itself, but all of the convenience functions too.
You can also use:
use Types::Standard -types; # export Int, Bool, etc
use Types::Standard -is; # export is_Int, is_Bool, etc
use Types::Standard -assert; # export assert_Int, assert_Bool, etc
use Types::Standard -to; # export to_Bool, etc
use Types::Standard -all; # just export everything!!!
So if you imagine the functions exported by Types::Standard are like this:
Str is_Str assert_Str
Num is_Num assert_Num
Int is_Int assert_Int
Bool is_Bool assert_Bool to_Bool
ArrayRef is_ArrayRef assert_ArrayRef
# ... and more
Then "+" exports a horizontal group of those, and "-" exports a vertical group.
Exporting Parameterized Types
It's possible to export parameterizable types like ArrayRef , but it is also possible to export parameterized types.
use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Int );
use Types::Standard (
'+ArrayRef' => { of => Int, -as => 'IntList' },
has numbers => (is => 'ro', isa => IntList);
should be significantly faster than
This trick only works for parameterized types that have a single parameter, like
, etc. (Sorry,
Lexical imports
Type::Tiny 2.0 combined with Perl 5.37.2+ allows lexically scoped imports. So:
my $is_ok = do {
use Types::Standard -lexical, qw( Str ArrayRef );
ArrayRef->of( Str )->check( \@things );
# The Str and ArrayRef types aren't defined here.
Do What I Mean!
use Type::Utils qw( dwim_type );
will look up a type constraint from a string and attempt to guess what you meant.
If it's a type constraint that you seem to have imported with
, then it should find it. Otherwise, if you're using Moose or Mouse, it'll try asking those. Or if it's in Types::Standard, it'll look there. And if it still has no idea, then it will assume dwim_type("Foo") means dwim_type("InstanceOf['Foo']").
It just does a big old bunch of guessing.
function will use
if you pass it a string as a type.
use Type::Utils qw( is );
if ( is "ArrayRef[Int]", \@numbers ) {
Notice that in a lot of examples we're importing one or two functions each from a few different modules:
use Types::Common::Numeric qw( PositiveInt );
use Types::Common::String qw( NonEmptyStr );
use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Slurpy );
use Type::Params qw( signature_for );
A module called Types::Common exists which acts as a single place you can use for importing most of Type::Tiny's commonly used types and functions.
use Types::Common qw(
PositiveInt NonEmptyStr ArrayRef Slurpy
Types::Common provides:
- All the types from Types::Standard .
- All the types from Types::Common::Numeric and Types::Common::String .
- All the types from Types::TypeTiny .
tag from Type::Params . -
function from Type::Registry .
Next Steps
You now know pretty much everything there is to know about how to use type libraries.
Here's your next step:
Defining your own type libraries, including extending existing libraries, defining new types, adding coercions, defining parameterizable types, and the declarative style.